If all you want is a quick meal or takeout but don't want to compromise your health by downing food loaded with preservatives or fat, Pret A Manger is a natural choice. This London import offers simple, freshly made soups, wraps, both hot and cold sandwiches, pastries, juices, and other items, all made fresh daily without the use of chemicals and other additives. Food that hasn't sold by the end of the day is donated to charities. Although office workers who pour into Pret daily are buying mostly takeout, the location here has a few tables as well. There are branches on both sides of the harbor, including the Central MTR Station (852/2537-9230); Admiralty MTR Station (852/2537-2715); Citibank Plaza, 3 Garden Road, Central (852/2521-5199; MTR: Central); the Lippo Center, 89 Queensway, Central (852/2537-4200; MTR: Admiralty); Three Pacific Place, Level B3, 1 Queen's Road E., Central (852/2516-9594; MTR: Admiralty); Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai (852/2877-3686; MTR: Wan Chai); and Elements shopping mall, 1 Austin Road, Kowloon (852/2196-8048; MTR: Kowloon).