• Driving the White Towns of the Sierra de Grazalema: Scattered from Ronda to Arcos de la Frontera, these mountainside fortress towns, like flocks of nesting birds. were once the frontier between the Christians and the Moors.
  • Tracing Roman Footsteps in Tarragona: The oceanside Amfiteatre Romà is a stunning reminder that Rome ruled eastern Iberia from this Costa Daurada port for more than 600 years.
  • Seeing the Sun Rise in Córdoba’s Judería: Get up early to visit La Mezquita, Europe’s greatest surviving medieval mosque, and wander the timeless streets of the Jewish quarter before the crowds arrive.
  • Surveying the Ages in Girona: From Roman fortifications to Muslim palaces to the largest Jewish Call in Spain, Girona preserves its past. The ramparts above the cathedral show the whole ancient city, raised like dinosaur plates on the spine of a hill.
  • Honoring the Pilgrims’ Faith at Santiago de Compostela: For nearly 10 centuries Christian pilgrims have trekked across northern Spain to the holy shrine of St. James, or Santiago. For the devout, walking into the great cathedral is an earthly taste of the gates of paradise.
  • Walking the Walls of Ávila: The 11th-century walls around Ávila—some of the most intact medieval walls in Europe—offer stirring views of the countryside, not to mention up-close views of storks nesting on the city’s highest buildings.
  • Reliving Roman Entertainment in Mérida: The ruins of Spain’s Roman capital, Emerita Augusta, are the best-preserved outside Italy. Visit in summer to take your seat in the spectacular ancient theater, which hosts a classical drama festival.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.